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2020-08-07 17:14  

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李聪亮 河北曾知律师事务所党支部书记 优秀骨干律师

       一 是办理诉讼案件:认真、细致、执着、诚信。
在从事专职律师执业的10年历程中,已承力各类案件不计其数,多年的执业经历已积累了丰厚的文字组织及法学理论功底,临场应变及语言表达能力。诉讼中,无论大小案件,都会认真细致对待,每次出庭辩护与代理案件时,在法庭上都会沉着冷静、随机应变, 不会疏忽任何个对案件发展有利的细节。 在发辩护和代理表意见时,从不哗众取宠,无论将来法官在判决中是否采纳我的意见,都会用自己的专业知识和丰富理论, 将涉案的法理和证据陈述到位,不留任何疏漏。执业理念和办理案件的心态,多次受到当事人好评和法官肯定。
       二 担任法律顾问工作,重在预防纠纷的发生,为顾问单位保驾护航。
法律顾问是律师业务中的重要组成部份,它包括任何形式的经济组织、公司企事业单位、以及公民个人因日常的法律需求。企业在经营过程中会遇到各种各样的风险,法律风险是其中的风险之一,好多企业因遇到这种风险而遭受重大损失甚至倒闭,比如有的企业在签订合同时被骗,有的企业因担保问题替他人承担债务而得不到追偿,有的企业的专利、商标等知识产权被侵犯而不知如何是好。但许多企业认识不到这点他们认为聘请律师作为法律顾问只是为了“打官司”,企业没有诉讼,请律师做法律顾可,岂不是花钱请了一个摆设吗?但“打官司只是是事后补救的措施,官司不管输赢,都给企业带来损失,这个时候由于诸如没有保留证据,签合同时己留下隐患等前期工作没有做好的原因,即使聘请再有能力的律师也无力回天。而一个律师做为企业法律顾问,重在为企业的各项事务制作,  “防火墙”。预防名类纠纷发生。从律师的角度去看,对于个人来说,保健医生是我们首选的。如果日常生活中没有防范措施,  因为一旦患于重病,再高
级的医生对身体留下的术后伤他也是难于愈合的,甚至生命不保,企业也是如此, 如在日常经营过程中, 选择你信赖的律师为你的企业经营活动保驾护航。发挥正常保健预防作用,可以在广大客户中树立良好的信誉,避免诉讼发生。
       三 是关注社会服务民生,树立中国律师好形象。


Li Congliang, Secretary of the Party Branch of Hebei Zengzhi Law Firm Outstanding Backbone Lawyer
       One is to handle litigation cases: serious, meticulous, persistent, and honest.
In the 10-year history of practicing as a full-time lawyer, he has undertaken countless cases of various types. Years of practicing experience has accumulated a wealth of written organization and legal theoretical foundation, on-the-spot response and language expression ability. In litigation, regardless of the size of the case, they will be treated seriously and meticulously. Every time they appear in court to defend and represent the case, they will be calm and adaptable in court, and will not neglect any details that are beneficial to the development of the case. When issuing defense and proxy opinions, he never sensationalized. No matter whether the judge will adopt my opinion in the judgment in the future, he will use his professional knowledge and rich theory to put the legal principles and evidence involved in the case in place, leaving no omissions. The practice philosophy and mentality of handling cases have been praised by the parties and affirmed by the judges many times.
       2. Serving as a legal consultant, focusing on preventing disputes and escorting the consulting unit.
Legal counsel is an important part of the lawyer's business, which includes any form of economic organization, companies, enterprises and institutions, and citizens due to daily legal needs. Enterprises will encounter various risks in the course of their operations. Legal risks are one of the risks. Many companies suffer heavy losses or even close down due to such risks. For example, some companies are cheated when signing contracts. Some companies are unable to obtain repayment for taking on debts for others due to guarantee issues, and some companies’ intellectual property rights such as patents and trademarks have been infringed and do not know what to do. But many companies do not realize this. They think that hiring lawyers as legal advisers is just for "lawsuit", and companies do not have litigation, and hiring lawyers to act as legal advisers, don't they spend money on a decoration? Remedial measures, regardless of whether the lawsuit is won or lost, will bring losses to the company. At this time, due to reasons such as failure to retain evidence and hidden dangers when signing the contract, the preliminary work has not been done well, even if a competent lawyer is hired. . As a corporate legal consultant, a lawyer focuses on creating a "firewall" for various business affairs of the company. Preventing the occurrence of famous disputes. From the perspective of a lawyer, for individuals, health doctors are our first choice. If There are no preventive measures in daily life, because once you get a serious illness, no matter how high
The postoperative injuries left by your doctor to the body are also difficult to heal, and even life is not guaranteed. The same is true for companies. For example, in the daily operation process, choose a lawyer you trust to escort your business activities. Playing the role of normal health care and prevention can establish a good reputation among customers and avoid litigation.
       The third is to pay attention to society and serve the people's livelihood, and establish a good image of Chinese lawyers.
Some cases:
Song Baojun v. Xiao Yunyong, Zhang Yan, Yunming Holdings Co., Ltd., a private lending dispute;
Xiao Hua, Zhang Haijun v. Xiao Yunyong, Zhang Yan, Yunming Holdings Co., Ltd., a private lending dispute;
You Yingquan v. Zhongcheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. in a dispute over a commercial house sale contract;
Wang Junxian and Sun Haiqiao sued Zhongcheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. for a dispute over a commercial house sales contract;
Hebei Xinxing Storage Co., Ltd. v. Baoding Huayi Wind Power Blade Research and Development Co., Ltd. for a land transfer contract dispute;
Sun Yuhang is suspected of robbery and snatch;
Baoding Huayue Adhesive Tape Co., Ltd. and Zhang Zhixue's retrial of the dispute over the sale and purchase contract;
Xin Ying v. Ma Yanguo and China Coal Property Insurance Co., Ltd. Hebei Branch in a dispute over liability for motor vehicle traffic accidents;
Baoding Hengtong Tower Manufacturing Co., Ltd. v. Huiyang Aviation Propeller Co., Ltd. for a dispute over a sales contract.




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